Night Journey, 16 x 16”, oil
City of Dreams, 24 x 30”, oil
New City By Water, 24 x 20” oil
Waterside Village Interior
Waterside Village, oil, 24 x 30”
“Distant Tower”, 24 x 24” oil on canvas
Golden Village, 36 x 36”, oil
Up On The Hill, oil, 24 x 24”
A La Plaza, 16 x 16” Oil
“My Kind of Town”, 8 x 10” print from original painting
Abstract City study, 6 x 8”, paint and ink
Moons’ Journey, oil, 20 x 24”, SOLD
Detail of Passing Through cityscape, oil
“Passing Through” oil painting, 18 x 24”
Night City By Water, 24 x 30” plus frame, SOLD
Adobe Village 2, oil, 24 x 30”
“Along the Journey”, 24 x 30”oil painting
“The Red House” oil painting, 24 x 30”
“Night City With Garden”, 11 x 14” acrylic on canvas paper
Laundry Twilight 2, oil on board, 8 x 10”
“Enchanted”, 18” x 24”, oil, (SOLD)
Laundry Twilight, mixed media, 11 x 14”